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Mining Hard Rock Rotary Tricone Roller Bit for Mining Drilling

tricone bits are designed for the most severe rotary blasthole applications, yet are cost effective for a wide range of drilling needs. The new bit line includes six diameters ranging from 200 mm (7 7/8 in.) to 311 mm (12 1/4 in.).



Mining Blasthole Drilling Rotary Tricone BitMining roatry tricone drill bit always used for the drilling of the production hole in open pit mining.



1. It has the characteristics of long life, high reliability, fast penetration rate and strong track keeping ability. 

2. The ideal choice for drilling and drilling in hard formations and strong abrasive formations.

3. The size range is 7 7/8-12 1 / 4 inches.

4. Long life and high reliability.




To increase efficiency and lower drilling costs, blasthole rigs are expected to deliver more and more energy to the drill bit. As a result, drill bits must be carefully designed and manufactured to not compromise the productivity and efficiency of increasingly complex and expensive drilling systems. Bits have become an even more critical and vital component in this process.


We supply a range of highly energy-efficient and productive point-attack cutting tools, suitable for both civil and mining applications. Combining tool design, high-grade alloy steel and premium grades ensure that we meet your performance demands.




Wuhan Yijue Tengda Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer engaged in the design and production of mining tricone bits. It is our core product.

We also offer a wide range of rock drilling tools and accessories for both open pit and underground mining, combining state-of-the-art drilling technology with the highest standards of safety. We have the exact tools you need for every mining application conceivable.












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